Saturday, February 6, 2010

Noob Tze Jing~

Tze Jing 2day cry becos of his food xD
Here is the story~~~
I go "visit" Tze Jing class.
Suddenly the Max nampak Tze Jing, Max nampak Tze Jing beli banyak makanan ringan~~
Then i simply rampas 1 loh~~~ Then I go back 2 my Sexy class~
I wan see Tze jing gt mari ambil balik bo, if not i eat loh~~
then the Noob Tze Jing came when i was eating my food~~
He cant w8 4 me 2 finish my food n return his food 2 him,
so he pushed me!!! i hate ppl push me so i eat finish then ambil dia punya kepala yao lai yao qu~~
then he cry~~~ so noob~~~~

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